I often get slack about not being on the biggest social networking site, but a recent survey shows that I am not the only one! :)

This survey was completed in Spring 2010, before the movie "Social Network" and before the co-founder of facebook, Mark Zuckerberg was named Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" (December 15, 2010). So the results may be slightly different today, then what the survey suggests from seven months ago.
I know that it can be very shocking for some people to find out that I don't have a facebook account, but I personally find it more shocking that 18% of the U.S. isn't using email or the Internet. I guess after you factor in infants, they aren't using the Internet or email and older generations, like my grandma. She doesn't even own a computer! My grandpa was the tech savvy one, so she feels she has no need for one.